AOLS By-laws
By-laws are made pursuant to Section 8 of the Surveyors Act (see below) and deal with items that primarily impact running and financing the Association.
Number | Description |
88-04 | Procedures for Making, Amending or Revoking Bylaws |
88-05 | Survey Records Index |
88-06 | Section A Members in Other Associations, Section B Research and Development |
88-08 | Miscellaneous Fees |
93-01 | Compensation Fund |
94-01 | Miscellaneous Fees |
94-02 | Miscellaneous Fees |
94-03 | Miscellaneous Fees |
94-04 | Survey Review Department Fees |
2004-01 | General Bylaw addressing Deeds, Transfers, banking and financing, renumeration, meetings and duties of Council, Meetings of the membership, seals and crests, officer of the Association, Regional Groups |
2004-02 | Privacy and Access Code |
2006-02 | Professional Liability Insurance Miscellaneous Fees |
2008-01 | Survey Review Department Plan Log |
2012-03 | Survey Review Department Fees |
2012-04 | Survey Field Notes Bylaw |
2015-01 | Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2015-02 | Annual Increase in Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2018-01 | Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2018-02 | Annual Increase in Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2019-01 | Provincial Wide Survey Records Index Fees |
2020-01 | Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2020-02 | Survey Review Department Plan Submission Fees |
2020-03 | Moving to an Electronic Era |
2021-01 | Survey Review Department Plan Log |
2021-02 | Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2023-01 | Survey Review Department Sticker Usage |
2023-02 | Fees Payable to the AOLS |
2023-03 | Late Fee Penalty |
2024-01 | SRD Minimum Sticker Purchase |
By-laws are made under Section 8 of the Surveyors Act as follows:
8 (1) The Council may pass by-laws relating to the administrative and domestic affairs of the Association not inconsistent with this Act and the regulations and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
- prescribing the seal of the Association;
- providing for the execution of documents by the Association;
- respecting banking and finance;
- fixing the financial year of the Association and providing for the audit of the accounts and transactions of the Association;
- respecting the calling, holding and conducting of meetings of the Council and the duties of members of the Council;
- providing for meetings of the Council and committees, except in a proceeding in respect of a licence or a certificate of authorization or a certificate of registration, by means of conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and a member of the Council or committee participating in a meeting in accordance with such by-law shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting;
- providing that the Council or a committee may act upon a resolution consented to by the signatures of all members of the Council or the committee except in a proceeding in respect of a licence or a certificate of authorization or a certificate of registration, and a resolution so consented to in accordance with such a by-law is as valid and effective as if passed at a meeting of the Council or the committee duly called, constituted and held for that purpose;
- respecting the calling, holding and conducting of meetings of the membership of the Association;
- prescribing the remuneration of the members of the Council and committees, other than persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, and providing for the payment of necessary expenses of the Council and committees in the conduct of their business;
- delegating to the Executive Committee such powers and duties of the Council as are set out in the by-law, other than the power to make, amend or revoke regulations and by-laws;
- prescribing the positions and qualifications of officers of the Association, providing procedures for their selection and the filling of vacancies in the offices of the Association, and prescribing the duties of officers of the Association;
- providing for the appointment of inspectors for the purposes of this Act;
- prescribing forms and providing for their use;
- providing procedures for the making, amending and revoking of the by-laws;
- respecting management of the property of the Association;
- providing for the appointment, composition, powers and duties of additional or special committees;
- respecting the application of the funds of the Association and the investment and reinvestment of any of its funds not immediately required, and for the safekeeping of its securities;
- respecting the borrowing of money by the Association and the giving of security therefor;
- respecting membership of the Association in other organizations, the payment of annual assessments and provision for representatives at meetings;
- authorizing the making of grants for any purpose that may tend to advance knowledge of professional surveying education, or maintain or improve the standards of practice in professional surveying or support and encourage public information and interest in the role of professional surveying in society;
- respecting scholarships, bursaries and prizes related to the study of professional surveying;
- prescribing the amounts of and requiring the payment of annual fees by members of the Association and holders of certificates of authorization and by students and members of related classes recognized by the Association, and fees for licensing, certification, registration, examinations and continuing education, including penalties for late payment, fees in respect of the Association’s quality control program for plans of survey and fees for anything the Registrar is required or authorized to do, and prescribing the amounts thereof;
- providing for the entering into of arrangements by the Association for its members and holders of certificates of authorization respecting indemnity for professional liability and requiring the payment and remittance of premiums in connection therewith and prescribing levies to be paid by members of the Association and holders of certificates of authorization in respect of professional liability;
- respecting the Compensation Fund and prescribing the amount of the levy to be paid to the Association for the Fund and exempting any class of members from all or any part of such levy;
- providing for the payment to the Association by any member of the cost of any investigation or audit of the member’s books, records, accounts and transactions;
- providing for the establishment of group insurance plans, other than for professional liability, in which members of the Association may participate on a voluntary basis;
- respecting the policies and practices of the Association with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, including specifying any limitations or controls on the collection, use and disclosure of such information and providing that the policies and practices be set out in a code;
- regarding such other matters as are entailed in carrying on the business of the Association and are not included in section 7. R.S.O. 1990, c. S.29, s. 8 (1); 2009, c. 33, Sched. 22, s. 11 (12, 13).
Confirmation by members
(2) A by-law passed by the Council is not effective until confirmed by the members of the Association. R.S.O. 1990, c. S.29, s. 8 (2).
(3) The members of the Association may confirm a by-law by a majority of those voting,
(a) at an annual meeting;
(b) at a general meeting of the Association called for the purpose; or
(c) by means of a vote conducted by mail. R.S.O. 1990, c. S.29, s. 8 (3).
Distribution of by-laws
(4) A copy of the by-laws made under subsection (1) and amendments thereto,
(a) shall be forwarded to the Minister;
(b) shall be forwarded to each member; and
(c) shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Association. R.S.O. 1990, c. S.29, s. 8 (4).
Section Amendments with date in force (d/m/y)
2009, c. 33, Sched. 22, s. 11 (12, 13) - 15/12/2009